April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month!

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Since April is oral cancer awareness month, we wanted to let you all know we are offering free screenings from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday April 23rd at our office. 

Statics of oral cancer include the following: close to 48,250 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. It will cause over 9,575 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. Of those 48,250 newly diagnosed individuals, only slightly more than half will be alive in 5 years.

Please make it a priority to get screened at least once a year for oral cancer! Your dentist should be doing this and he/she should be trained in this kind of screening. We value your health and our job is to serve you to the best of our ability when it comes to your mouth!

-Dr. Schlueter