I love my job. Seriously. Being a dentist is the best.Not everyone can say that, right? How many people do you know who look forward to going to work every day?I do. As a dentist, I get to meet new people all the time. Sure, some days are more stressful than others, but I always know that my work has... read more »
We get it. Not everyone gets nearly as excited about dental hygiene as we do. What can we say? We love teeth. Well, more specifically, we love making your teeth look and feel amazing. So, here are the top reasons why we should all love dental hygiene. (Yes, we are well aware of how nerdy that makes us sound.)You might... read more »
So, you want healthy teeth. Or, at least, your dentist really wants you to have healthy teeth. You just want your teeth to look their best, right?Well, as it turns out, you and your neighborhood dentist can both get what you want. You just have to know what foods to eat….and what not to eat.Ok, so it’s really no surprise... read more »
We've been busy here at the office! Summer is a great time to come get your teeth cleaned before you head out for your vacation. We had great success with our Father's day giveaway and we want to thank everyone who participated. Our next giveaway will be a back to school giveaway. Have a great summer and travel safe! Hope... read more »
I would like to welcome Rebecca to the team! You can find her bio on our main website. She'll be seeing all of you for cleanings and periodontal maintenance. She's super outgoing and we are incredibly excited to have her at Advanced Dentistry of Blue Ash. If you have any questions, you can contact her at Rebecca@blueash.dental. Your Life, Your... read more »
Since April is oral cancer awareness month, we wanted to let you all know we are offering free screenings from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday April 23rd at our office. Statics of oral cancer include the following: close to 48,250 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. It will cause over 9,575 deaths, killing roughly 1... read more »
We want to wish everyone a happy St. Patrick's day! If you would like, stop in and show us your green and win a chance for an Amazon gift card or a box of crest white strips!.Also, when you stop by, take a look at our new inside sign! The people at Signs Now Cinci did a great job!!
Hi everyone! I want to talk about what we do at Advanced Dentistry of Blue Ash to protect your data and information. Since our practice is completely paperless, we have to store your data on our server. All your personal information is encrypted and backed up. In order to backup your information and encrypt it, we use a product called... read more »
February is national children's dental health month. We at advanced dentistry of blue ash would like to recgonize and promote all oral health, most especially for children! Good oral health for children has many long lasting benefits such decrease chances of tooth decay and decrease chances of adult issues such as periodontal disease and dental infections. Learning good healthy habits... read more »
The USDA and US Health and Human Services just released new guidelines on sugar intake. The gist of the information remains that as consumers, we need to limit sugar intake to remain healthy. You can find more information here about the new guidelines. Here at Advanced Dentistry we are committed to not only your oral health, but also promoting healthy habits that... read more »